Wednesday, November 5, 2008


so over one of the last holidays, my brother doug and i had a chance to get out and spend some quality "bro-han" time together. as we were sitting around watching a ball game... i wondered how similar we actually looked to each other. so i borrowed his hat and glasses... and this is what i got.

sweet huh?

also had a chance to get the girls together with maddy their cousin who lives in butler. it's hard to take a bad picture when the three of them are together!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

call screening...

we've been screening so many political calls lately that i've been behind on posting up here. in fact i think our blog has called to see if we were posting to "another" blog... just because we hadn't been around in so long!

i feel so guilty.

soon my friend.... soon.

as for now... we're getting ready to go help celebrate the addition of a third candle to our friend maddy's birthday cake!