Tuesday, September 9, 2008

blog envy...

so i've been tooling around with design elements for the blog. in case you haven't checked this thing out... there are like 600,000 different little whistles and bells that you can add to a blog! and i'm like light years behind the "mom's group!" i'm having some issues with the width of the columns (too thin) and i've of course got an obsessive-compulsive issue with the colors. (i've gone through a few different color schemes thus far)

in case you haven't checked them out... or are interested in who amy and the girls spend most thursday mornings with... you can see a list of blogs to the right from a & o's neighborhood gang. and yes... i officially have "blog envy."

working on new posts and pictures now.


Erin O'Connor said...

You'll get there! We all started out where you are now! :)

Coutinho said...

Come on, Tim, just quit your job and hang with us moms on Thursday mornings....you'll be blogging with the best of them in no time! ;)